Monday, October 3, 2011

working with fur

 not sure why it decided to go all oval on me...not too worried at the moment

baking textures

About here is where Digi-Tutors decided to lock up on time to mess with 3ds Max a bit

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Started on modeling the bear

Got started on modeling the bear. BUT....of course, there's always a catch. i got most of the bears hind-end formed, worked on saving it, but it decided to freeze:

lately the programs seem to work against me. i will prevail.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Rigging the Caribou 2

Rigging the Caribou

The start of the rigging process went a bit haywire. Maya didn't feel like working last night with rigging, and no matter what I did it wasn't allowing me to set joints anywhere in the work field. I ended up having to save my mesh as an .OBJ, re-import it into a new scene, save it over the previous file, and go from there. As you can see from the following screenshots, it worked.